life & reality? same thing? i really dont know . but i know life is part of reality and reality is a perspective of one's view . for example, one could see yellow another could see blue . is that too far of a difference? but then again what about white and black? well its not about how different it is, but in someway or another it relates doesnt it . and i do notice i only post things here when my perspective are not the best colors usually . but then again its just a perspective of my own .
i love to sometimes wish all this would go away, or i can push the reset button . where i could kinda go back a lil or at least hide from this color . maybe be back 9000 miles? maybe turn the hands of time? maybe could do this or that a lil differently?
but then again i guess out of many people, and acquaintances and people i know, their view on my reality or perspective may vary from different colors at all time . lifes aint all about snowboarding, or living the dream here in the states . theres alot of greyish black times . when things dont go my way . the feeling of running out of time, lagging the in race of life, tight financial binds . And this time is one of em ..
or lets forward time, and ill look back on this post ...
Continue counting those blessings... XOXO
it's alright cos my world is not always in the spectrum of colours.
it means we are human afterall.
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